2019 ILDA Conference: four prestigious ILDA Awards go to KVANT Show Production.
Our guys happily went to Orlando, and by the look of it, they enjoyed every second of their trip, especially the time at NASA. Alright, the ILDA was good too :D

Martin Gabco and Michal Rezek accepted, on behalf of KVANT, four ILDA Awards for these projects in the following categories:
1st place
MJ Sergio - 2019 Edited Film/TV/Video
This show is breathtaking. And here we have to say that that's not mainly because of our excellent show programing, stunning visuals or quality lasers used.
It's Sergio himself. What a guy!
Would you actually believe that this really is his voice? Well, he looks like him, moves like him and sings like him too!
2nd place
ASOT - 2019 Innovative and Fine Art Laser Applications
Asot Haas is a fine artist who incorporates audio waves into visual art. The lasers are displaying the sounds which are hidden in creations of Mr. Haas.
3rd place
Tatra Ice Temple - 2019 Edited Film/TV/Video
This seasonal laser display installation is built inside of a gigantic ice sculpture. The inside temperature is permanently set at -12ºC, making the environment pretty challenging for all the crew and also the equipment. What we found the most interesting within the whole project is what happens when the laser beams diffuse in the ice of the sculpture. The resulting visual effects are very unusual and quite spectacular to watch live.
Another 3rd place
Spherical Show - 2019 Planetarium Show
This installation was the first of our spherical/planetarium shows we have ever done.
We built a spherical dome that's 25 meters in diameter and for many days played inside with both, video projectors and lasers. We did it mainly to find out what's possible in such space.
The following show is the result of the one-month worth of experiments. And since we liked the result very much, the spherical show became for a while our temporary showroom for clients.
Big thanks to everyone who was involved in these and all other projects. We appreciate their hard work so much!